Why I’m running For State Representative

I’m running for State Representative because our current legislature has lost the ability to focus on the difficulties facing Ohioans in their homes, schools, and jobs. The August and November 2023 elections prove that point.

In our district, we have hungry families, underfunded schools, a lack of affordable and reliable internet and phone service, an inadequate supplies of affordable housing, and a persistent drug addiction problem. We have injection wells accepting radioactive fracking waste from out-of-state, which waste pollutes our wells. Along with the rest of the world, we have the threat of climate change.



I am passionate about serving people. We need a state legislature that represents the people of Ohio, rather than representing the personal agendas or political aspirations of individual legislators. I am listening, and will continue to listen, to people in the 94th District before voting on any issue. 


I am passionate about democracy. I will work to keep our elections secure and to make voting easier for everyone. We deserve to know the source of political action committee (PAC) money. We need to reform Ohio’s map-making processes so Citizens, not Politicians, will draw legislative district maps and make them fair, thus eliminating gerrymandering.


The core responsibilities of elected officials include making sure government works fairly for all people. We must respect the worth and dignity of all people, and work cooperatively and honestly to make sure our government serves their interests and upholds the US and Ohio Constitutions.



We must receive our fair share of government funding for Infrastructure: roads and bridges, water and sewer, broadband and phone service. We need to support our local communities, the workers who build and maintain our infrastructure, and their unions.


We need accessible healthcare for every person in our district, without long waits or long commutes to see medical professionals. We need to support those in the medical professions with policies that allow them to better serve the people in our district.


We need a thorough and efficient public school funding system in which every child has the same educational opportunities regardless of where the child lives in Ohio. We need to support our families, our teachers and other school employees, and their unions.

Contact Us

Email us at FriendsofWendaSheard@gmail.com
or text us at 740-818-1845
or message us via our Facebook:
Wenda Sheard for Ohio

Or donate by mailing a check payable to Friends of Wenda Sheard, 13499 Dutch Creek Road, Athens, Ohio 45701

Thank you!